Bonnes pratiques
Outils numériques et bonnes pratiques en Europe
Voici quelques exemples de bonnes pratiques et dispositifs qui utilisent le numérique comme outil de médiation et de formation avec des publics « en difficultés d’apprentissage ». Pays-Bas, Irlande du Nord, Grèce, Allemagne, voici un tour d’horizon d’Europe proposé par les partenaires du projet DIGITAL : vous y verrez trois exemples par pays présentés en vidéo. En France, un zoom est fait sur : Le Nom Lieu (présent dans la pépinière du Rocher de Palmer), le Centre Social de La Colline (Cenon) et le projet OPUS (développé par le Rocher de Palmer). Ces vidéos seront complétées par un répertoire de ces dispositifs en version PDF et interactive (traduit en français) à retrouver ici prochainement.

Danae on using Slack for teaching remotely

Danae Florou from Alpha Beta Greek in Athens explains how she uses slack to keep in touch with her adult learners when working remotely. (In Greek)

Gogo on using Zoom breakout rooms for adult learners

Gogo Papodopolou from Total Approach in Athens explains how she uses breakout rooms in Zoom when teaching adult learners remotely. (In Greek)

Sarantis on distance learning tools for adult educators

Sarantis Manoudis from ΚΑΝΕΠ in Athens explains the impact that distance learning tools have had on adult education. (In Greek)

Sarantis on using Moodle as an adult educator

Sarantis Manoudis from ΚΑΝΕΠ in Athens explains how adult educators can use Moodle in their teaching. (In Greek)

Canice on using TED Ed as an adult educator

Canice Hamill from The Learning Hub in Belfast explains how he uses TED Ed when training adult learners.

Canice on using NearPod and TED Ed to engage learners

Canice Hamill from The Learning Hub in Belfast explains how he uses TED Ed and NearPod to engage adult learners.

Canice on building your digital toolbox as an adult educator

Canice Hamill from The Learning Hub in Belfast explains how he goes about choosing digital tools to use as an adult educator.

Julie on using Kahoot! to engage learners

Julie Jamieson from the New Lodge Duncairn Community Health Partnership in Belfast explains how she uses Kahoot! when delivering training.

Julie on gaining confidence with digital tools as an adult educator

Julie Jamieson from the New Lodge Duncairn Community Health Partnership in Belfast tells us how she became more confident in using digital tools.

Samuel on using NearPod as an adult educator

Samuel Marshall from the Banbridge Enterprise Centre in Northern Ireland explains how he uses NearPod as an adult educator.

Ashwin on using digital teaching to boost life-long learning

Ashwin Brouwer from Friesland College in the Netherlands describes the opportunities that digital education can hold for life-long learning.

Ashwin on including digital tools when teaching vulnerable adults

Ashwin Brouwer from Friesland College in the Netherlands explains why digital tools are important even when teaching vulnerable adults.

Ashwin on using digital tools strategically as an adult educator

Ashwin Brouwer from Friesland College in the Netherlands explains how to think strategically about your use of digital tools as an adult educator.

Jan on building and running an eLearning platform

Jan Douwes from Afûk in the Netherlands explains how and why they built their own eLearning platform.

Jan on choosing your digital tools as an educational organisation

Jan Douwes from Afûk in the Netherlands explains how to choose your digital tools as an educational organisation.

Jan on the future of digital education

Jan Douwes from Afûk in the Netherlands describes his vision for the future of digital education.

Kevin on using digital tools to reach newcomers

Kevin de Groot from Ons Kruispunt in the Netherlands explains how he used digital tools to reach out to newcomers to the Netherlands during the Coronavirus pandemic.

DJ Vex on reaching young people by teaching digital audio-visual tools

DJ Vex (Romain Bascans) from Le Rocher du Palmer’s OPUS project in Bordeaux describes how to reach young people by teaching them the digital tools they need to get creative.

Sophie on supporting learners to access digital services

Sophie Metsemakers from the La Colline social and cultural centre in Bordeaux describes how she supports adult learners who aren’t comfortable with digital tools in accessing government services digitally.

Violette on boosting inclusion by teaching young people digital communication skills

Violette Aymé from Le Nom Lieu in Bordeaux describes how she teaches digital communication skills to vulnerable young people to boost inclusion.
Ce projet a été financé avec le soutien de la Commission européenne. Cette publication (communication) n’engage que son auteur et la Commission n’est pas responsable de l’usage qui pourrait être fait des informations qui y sont contenues.

Digital Technologies to Improve Adult Learning